Sunday, June 1, 2008

The Design of Digit

Do you ever wonder how the shape of digits were designed? What is logic behind numbers?
The numbers we all use (1, 2, 3, 4, etc.) are known as "arabic" numbers to distinguish them from the "Roman Numerals" (I, II, III, IV, V, VI, etc). Actually the Arabs popularized these numbers but they were originally used by the early phonecian traders to count and keep track of their trading accounts.
Have you ever thought why ........ 1 means "one", and 2 means "two"? The roman numerals are easy to understand but what was the logic behind the phonecian numbers?

Monday, May 19, 2008

Definisi & Klasifikasi

Definisi merupakan salah satu fungsi-guna susunan kata sebagai predikat subjek kalimat. Definisi tidak pernah dapat menampilkan dengan sempurna pengertian sesuatu yang diantarnya, disamping setiap orang berbeda  gayanya dalam mendefinisir suatu masalah. Demikian pula dengan klasifikasi  (pembagian atau penggolongan) yang sebatas hanya memposisikan sesuatu, meskipun  berbeda-beda pasti terdapat persamaan-persamaan prinsip yang dapat mengantar