Friday, February 17, 2006

Lesson (17): Penggunaan Preposisi At – In – On

At         +          arti : “pada”, tapi bisa juga digunakan
sebelum :


rumah pada jalan tertentu

In         +          arti : “di; di dalam”, tapi bisa juga
digunakan sebelum :

hari, bulan, musim, tahun

kota atau negara

On       +          arti : “diatas; pada”, tapi bisa juga
digunakan sebelum :

hari atau tanggal


Son of daughter’s John is daughter of John’s son 

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Lesson (16): Combination with Preposition (b)

Combination with preposition has a new idiomatic meaning

this combination we cannot guess the meaning, but there are two kinds :

1.    Non-separable

      Prep. : for, of, on, at, to, into, from, under, round, etc.

2.    Separable
preposition ; in this case prep. can be called a particle (adv).

      Prep. : down, away, out, back, over, on, up, in, backward
(s), downward (s), forward (s),

      Also, phrasal verb can be added by a preposition. e.g. get out
of, get through with, look forward to.


a.    call
on                : ask to speak in class;
visit            catch up (with)   : reach the same position or level

check in             : register at a hotel                          check into          : investigate

check out/ of     : leave 
a hotel                                 come
across      : meet by chance

drop by/in (on)   : visit informally                               drop out (of)       : stop going to school, class, etc

get along (with)  : exist satisfactorily                         get in/into           :
enter a car, arrive

get off                : leave an plane, a bus, a
train, etc get on                 : enter a plane, a bus, a train, etc

get out of           : leave a car, avoid activity             get over              : recover from an illness

get through        : finish                                              get
up                 : arise from bed, a

go over              : review or check carefully             grow up (in)        : become an adult

keep up (with)    : stay at the same position or level look after            :
take care of

look into             : get information in, investigate       : look out (for)    : be careful

pas away           : die                                                 put
up with         : tolerate

run into/across   : meet by chance                            run out (of)         : finish a supply of sth

show up             : appear, come                                take after           : resemble

Also : all of A 1 & etc.

b.    ask
out               : ask sb to go on a date
                  bring about/on    : cause

bring up              : rear children ; introduce a topic    call back            :
return a telephone call

call in                 : ask to come a specific place        call of                 :

call up                : call on the telephone                     check out           : take book from library ;investigate

cheer up            : make (sb) feel happier                  clean up             : make clean and orderly

cross out            : draw a line through                       cut out                : stop an annoying activity

do over              : do again                                        drop off              : leave sb/sth at a place

figure out           : find the answer by reasoning        fill out                 :
complete; write completely

find out               : discover information                     get back (from)  : return from a place; receive again

give back           : return                                             give out              : distribute

give up               : stop trying                                     hand in               : submit

hand up              : conclude a telephone
conversation; put clothes on a hanger or a hook.

have on              : wear                                              hand out             : distribute

keep out (of)      : not enter                                        kick out (of)       : force sb to leave

leave out            : omit                                               look over            : examine

look up               : look for information in a book       make up             :
invent; do past work

name after/for   : give a baby the name of sb else   pass out             :
distribute; lose consciousness

pick out              : select                                             pick up               : go to get sb; take in one’s

point out             : call attention to                              put away            : remove to a proper lace

put back             : return to original place                  put off                : postpone

put on                 : put clothes on one’s body             put out                : extinguish

put up                 : build, manage                               shut off               : stop a machine, light

switch over        : move channel                               take off              : remove clothing; leave on a trip

take out              : take sb on a dat                            take over            : take control

take up               : begin a new activity or topic         talk over             : discuss

tear down           : demolish; reduce to nothing          tear up                : tear into many little pieces

think over           : consider carefully                         throw away/ out : discard/ get rid of

throw up             : vomit; regurgitate food                  try on                  : put on clothes to see if it proper

turn down           : decrease volume or intensity        turn in                 :
submit assignment; go to bed

turn off               : stop a machine, light, faucet         turn on                :
begin a machine’ light, faucet

turn out              : extinguish a light                           turn up                : increase volume or intensity

wake up             : make sb aware from sleep           write down         : make a note of


Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Lesson (15): Combination with Preposition (a)

Combination with preposition keeping the verb’s basic meaning

1)    Verb

1.    ABOUT
         : take care, consult (/on),
dream (/of), hear (/of), talk (/to), think (/of)

(sb/ of).

     : Defend (/from), fight, lean (/on),
warn (/of).

Worry (ied)

3.    AFTER           : look (/at/ for)

4.    AT                  : amuse (d) (/by), arrive
astonish (ed) (/by), exclaim, glance, guess, knock, laugh,
look, point (/to), shout (/to), shock (ed) (/by), smile,
stare, surprise (d) (/by), wonder (/about), work (/on).

5.    FOR               : account, ask (/of), act (/on),
apologize, blame, beg, call, care, charge, exchange, excuse (/from),
hope, leave, look, mistake, mourn, pay, prepare, provide, pay (sb), search
(sth), thank, vote (/on), wait (/on).

Apply (…job at spl), apologize (to

6.    FROM            : borrow, demand (/of),
derive, differ, dismiss, draw, emerge, escape, expect (/of), hinder,
prevent, prohibit, protect (/against), receive, separate, suffer.

7.    IN                   : believe, delight, disappoint
(ed)(/in), employ (ed), encourage, engage (d), experience (d), fail,
help (/in), include, indulge, instruct, interest (ed), invest, involve
(d), perform(/on), persist, share,

8.    OF                  : accuse, approve, assure,
beware, boast (/about), cure, despair, die, be/get remind, rid, (be)
suspected, smell, take care, tire (d),

9.    INTO
             : crash, drive, bump, run,

10.  ON                 : act, base (d), call, comment,
concentrate, congratulate, count, decide, depend, economize, embark,
experiment, insist, live, operate, pride (one self), rely, vote (on a
motion; for sb)
, write (/about).

11.  TO                  : accustom (ed), amount,
appeal, apply (/for), attach (ed), attend, belong, challenge, compare (/with),
condemn (ed), confess, confine, consent, convert, entitle (d), go, listen,
mention, oject, occur, pay (attention), prefer, react (/against), reply,
respond, see (prepare), submit, surrender, turn, yield,

12.  WITH             : agree, begin, bore (d), collide,
communicate, compete (/against), comply, confuse, contrast (/to),
cope, correspond, disgust (ed), fed up, fall in love, finish, help (/in),
mix, occupy (ied), part, please (d), quarrel (/about), reason, satisfy
(ied) (/by), threaten (ed),

13.  -                      : (be) aged, enter, join,
marry, meet, reach, serve, etc.

2)    Adjective

1.    ABOUT
         : angry (sth/10), annoyed (sth/10),
curious, doubtful (/of), excited, furious (sth/10), happy,
enthusiastic, reluctant, (/to), right (/in), uneasy, unhappy,
upset, worried,

2.    AT                  : angry (sth/10), bad,
brilliant, clever, efficient, expert (/in), excellent, good, hopeless,
indignant, quick, sad (/about), slow, skillful (/in).

3.    BY
or AT        : amazed, astonished,
impressed (/with), shocked, surprised,

4.    FOR               : eager, enough, famous, fit,
grateful (/to), qualified (/in), ready (/to), responsible,
sorry, sufficient, thankful (/to), valid.

5.    FROM            : away, different (/to),
famous, far, safe.

6.    IN                   : deficient, fortunate,
honest, interested, rich, weak.

7.    OF                  : afraid, ahead, ashamed,
aware, capable, careful (/with), certain, conscious, envious, fond,
frightened, full, guilty, ignorant, incapable, independent, in favor, jealous,
kind (to), north/south/east/west, proud, scared, short, shy, sure,
suspicious, terrified, tired, worthy.

8.    ON                 : dependent, intent, keen.

9.    TO                  : accustomed, engaged, married,

10. WITH             : angry (sb/1/2), annoyed,
bored, busy (/at), consistent, content, crowded, delighted, familiar (/to),
furious, identical, (in) love, patient, popular, pleased, satisfied,

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Lesson (14): Finite Verb

form of verb / finite verb: verb from agreeing with its subject in person and
number. Every simple sentence and the (main) clause in every complex sentence
each contains a finite verb. It comes right after the subject and, of course,
never with to. Finite from of verb must be in :

-      Present tense,
that is simple from verb (or + s/es for third singular person), in order to
show action/condition general in the present.

-   Past tense,
that is simple form verb + d/ed or its special from if any, in order to show
action/condition in the past.

is also used to show unreal action/condition in the present.

there are some particular forms of these verbs i.e.:

The present                                         The

1.     Verb
be                 I
® am                                                I/(s)he/Jack/it/to
® was

® is             they/you ® were

® are

2.     Verb
have             (s)he/Jack/it/to
® has

3.     Modal
verb           ‘subject’
® will

4.     Verb
of clause as object of  verbs such as insist,
suggest etc.
can occur in infinitive without to.

: Underline the finite verb of theses sentences, or translate them which are
still in Indonesia first.

1.     Hadi
is not a technician                                        6.   Saya senang

2.     We
use pincers to pull nails                                 7.   Kita harus rajin.

3.     This
radio doesn’t need repairing                         8.   Arman kelihatan lelah

4.     You
may not let your bicycle be dirty                    9.   Ibu berharap kamu tidak pergi

5.     To
be able to repair machine is what I want        10.  murid-murid suka diajar olehnya 

Monday, February 13, 2006

Lesson (13): Verb as Adjective

List of verb that can be as adjective:

                     (kagum, mengagumkan)

                     (terhibur, lucu)


                (heran, mengherankan)



                  (bingung, membingungkan)

                 (yakin, meyakinkan)

                   (tertipe, memperdayakan)

                 (sedih, memuramkan)

                  (jijik, menjijikkan)

              (kecil hati, mengecilkan

             (kecewa, mengecewakan)          


            (malu, memalukan)         

                (terhibur, memikat


                 (letih, meletihkan)

                (kagum, sangat menarik)            

                 (takut, menakutkan)

                  (bingung kecewa,

                  (takut, mengejutkan)


                  (tertarik, menarik)


                  (puas, memuaskan)


Surprised/-ing                   (kaget, mengherankan)

                   (merasa ngeri,


                   (cemas, mencemaskan)

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Lesson (12): Object after Verb

Object after Verb

1.    …..V  + Object + Object

a.    … O(p)
+ O(th)

O(th) + to + O(p)

O(th) + for + O(p)

bisa bila V-nya :

1.     ask,
cost, charge, get(3), give(2), lend(2), pass(2),
save, sell(2), show(2), take(2), teach(2), tell(2),
wish, write(2), etc.

2.     announce,
bring(1), describe, explain, get(1), give(1), introduce,
lend(1), mention, pass(1), prove, repeat, say, send(1),
speak, suggest, take(1), tell(1), read(1), report, write(1),
show(1), teach(1), etc.

3.     answer,
buy(1), cash, change, close, do(1), find(1), make(1),
open, prescribe, pronounce, etc.

2.    …..V  + O + Complement (N) / Adj.)

a.     Noun

bila V-nya : appoint, call, choose, designate, elect, make, name, nominate,

b.     Afjective
/ past participle

bila V-nya : consider (& sejenisnya), crack, cut, find, froze, paint, push,
want, wash, wipe, wish.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Lesson (11): Verb Form of Clause

Verb Form of Clause

1.   …..V
 +  (that) 
+  S  + 
{clause biasa}

Bila V nya : agree, answer, assume, believe,
conclude, decide, discover, doubt, dream, feel, forget, guess, hear, hope,
imagine, know, learn, notice, realize, regret, remember, say, suppose, think,
understand, etc.

+ personal Obj.} assure, convince, inform, notify, remind, tell.

+ (personal Obj.)} promise, show, teach, warn, write.

+ (to + personal Obj.)} admit, announce, explain, mention, point out, prove,
read, repeat, reply, report, say, suggest.

2.   …..V  + 
(that)  +  S 
+  Inv  (British also : should + inv, or pt)

V nya : ask, argue, demand, desire, insist, move, prefer, propose, suggest,
recommend, request, require, urge, “their noun”, would rather, & it’s
essential/ imperative/ important/ necessary.

3.   …..V
+ (thath) + S + Past tense {bisa menggunakan past perfect bila wish-nya past}

V nya : wish, would rather.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Lesson (10): Verb Form after verb

From after verb

1.    ….V       +      -ing                                              5.
+      O       +    
to inv

….V        +      +       -ing                 6.
….V      +      O      
+     inv

2.    ….V       +     
to inv                                           7.
….V      +      O      
+     to inv

3.    ….V       +     
inv                                                   ….V     
+      O       +    
Wh       +       to inv

4.    ….V       +     
O       +      -ing

ini bisa terjadi bila V –nya :

1.    admit,
advise (5), allow (5), anticipate, appreciate, avoid, begin (2),
can’t bear (2), can’t stand, can’t help, cease (2), consider,
continue (2), defer, delay, deny, detest, dislike, dread, encourage (5),
enjoy, escape, excuse, fancy, finish, forgive, hate, imagine, intend (2),
involve, it needs/requires/wants (2), keep (=continue), like (2),
loathe, love (2), mind, miss, need (2), pardon, permit (5),
practice, prefer (2), postpone, prevent, propose (=suggest),
recollect, recommend (5), remember (2), regret, resent, resist,
risk, start (2), save, stop (2), suggest (2), stop, try (2),

2.    afford,
agree, aim, appear (+con/perf inv), arrange, ask (5/7), attempt,
begin (1), bother, can’t bear (1), care, cease (1),
choose, claim, condescend, consent, continue (1), dare (3), decide,
demand, determine, endeavor, expect (1), fail, forget, guarantee, happen,
help (3/5/6), hesitate, hope (5), intend (1), it
needs/requires/wants (1=passive), learn (7), like (1),
love (1), manage, mean (5=intend), need (1), neglect,
offer, plan, prefer (1), prepare, pretend (+con/perf inv),
proceed, promise, propose (=intend), prove, refuse, resolve, remember (1),
seem (+con/perf inv), start (1), stop (1), swear, tend,
threaten, trouble, undertake, volunteer, vow, try (1), warn, would
hate/love/prefer (5), etc.

be (=must/usage), have (=must), it’s time (for sb)….(or pt),
it’s/have adj, make (in passive form), used (=past habit),
(would) prefer….rather than + inv.

3.    dare
, daren’t, help (2/5/6),

had better, would rather…than…., & modal av, aux., negative aux.

4.    catch,
feel (6), find, hark at, hear (6), imagine, listen to (6),
look at, notice (6), observe (4), see (6), smell (6),
watch (6).


5.    advise
(1), allow (1), ask (7), beg, bride, can’t bear (1/2),
cause, challenge, choose, command, compel, dare, decide, enable, encourage (1),
entitle, expect (2), forbid, force, get (=cause), hate (2),
help (2/3/6), hope (2), implore, induce, instruct, intend,
invite, lead (=cause), like (1/2), love, mean (2=intend),
oblige, order, permit (1), persuade, prefer, prepare, press (=urge),
promise (2), recommend (1), remind, request, teach (sm how/7),
tell, tempt, trouble, urge, want (2), warn, wish (2), would
like/prefer (2), etc.

6.    feel
(4), have (=causa), hear (4), help (2/3/5), let,
listen to (4), make, notice (4), observe (4), perceive,
see (4), watch (4)

ask (5), decide (2), expect, explain,
forget, learn (how/2), know, remember, show, teach (how/5), tell,

Thursday, February 9, 2006

Lesson (9): Prepositions

(kata depan) ditempatkan di depan sebuah nomina. Beberapa preposisi lain yang
perlu diketahui:

On  = diatas                in
= di, di dalam                       at         = pada

For =
untuk                 to = ke,
kepada                       from     = dari

penggunaan yang lazim :

on biasa digunakan
sebelum:      nama hari atau tanggal, nama

in                                                  bagian
hari, bulan, musim, tahun.

at                                                  jam-jam,
nomor rumah.

of biasanya
untuk kepunyaan, misal : the cover of book.

ada verba atau adjektiva yang pada penggunaannya dalam kaliamt
harus ditemani dengan preposisi, misal :

look (=melihat),                penggunaannya :        I
am looking at the sky

believe (=percaya)                                               I believe in God.

Angry (=marah)                                                    I am angry with

Interested (=tertarik)                                             I am
interested in you.

juga kombinasi verba+preposisi tersebut yang melahirkan makna berbeda
dari makna dasar verbanya, misal:

Get (=mendapatkan),       lain dengan :    get up (=bangun)

Give (=memberi)                                      give back (=mengembalikan)

verba+preposisi ini bila diikuti nomina, preposisi dapat ditaruh di belakang
nomina tersebut, bahkan harus bila diikuti pronominal.

We should give back this car. Atau We
should give this car back.

Let’s givei in back!